We are happy to welcome back IDW Publishing colorist Josh Perez to TFcon 2013. Transformers fans will recognize his current work from the pages of Robots in Disguise and More Than Meets The Eye. He will be attending both days and offering prints and commissions to attendees all weekend long.
Beast Wars voice actor Venus Terzo to attend TFcon 2013
TFcon announces Third Annual 3rd Party Product Panel
Due to the success of the past 2 years, TFcon will host the Third Annual 3rd Party Product Panel at TFcon 2013. We have invited 3rd party product manufacturers to once again contribute to a presentation focusing on new information and images of upcoming collector focused toys. We encourage all 3rd party companies to contact us to be involved in this presentation that will have information shared to thousands of fans at the event and online around the world.
Transformers Comic Artist Livio Ramondelli to attend TFcon 2013
We are pleased to announce that Transformers comic book artist Livio Ramondelli will be attending TFcon 2013. Livio is known to fans for his work on IDW’s Transformers comics with the Chaos storyline, the Autocracy and Monstrosity series and illustrating the Orion Pax focused issues in the Robots in Disguise books. He will be selling prints and offering commissions to attendees all weekend long.
Transformers Generation 1 voice actor Jack Angel to attend TFcon 2013
We are honored to welcome Transformers voice actor Jack Angel to TFcon 2013 for his first ever Canadian convention appearance.
The voice of Astrotrain, Breakdown, Cyclonus, Omega Supreme, Ramjet, Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus in the Generation 1 cartoon; he is also known to GIJOE fans as the voice of Wet Suit and Superfriends fans as the voices of Flash, Hawkman and Samurai. Mr. Angel will be taking part in Q&A panels and autograph sessions with the attendees of the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention.
TFcon 2013 Custom and Art Contest Info
2013 sees the return of the TFcon art and customs contest. Entries may be submitted from 9 am until 12 pm the Saturday of the convention. After 12 pm all art pieces will be judged by the TFcon Judges. The winner will be announced at a time on the event schedule.
2D entries can be anything from a painting, black and white drawing, color drawing, computer render print out, basically anything that’s on a flat piece of paper qualifies for this category. It is preferred that any 2D entry be mounted, framed or in a protective covering. 3D entries can be anything from a diorama, kitbash/custom, toy repaint or statue.
2D entries will be judged on originality, perspective, creativity, lighting/shadows, application of color/tones, detail, realism/suspension of disbelief and the judges overall impression. 3D entries will be judged on detail, originality, use of color, proportions, realism, use of materials, innovativeness, neatness and the judges overall impression.
The 3D art contest prizes will be custom made trophies from TFcon. These prizes will only be offered to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries so be prepared to come ready to compete!
TFcon 2013 Registration Information
TFcon 2013 preregistration opens May 1st at 9am and will run until July 15th at 11:55pm. This is the only way to reserve the 2013 exclusives ROSWELL and VAN GUARDIAN and to sign up for the FRIDAY and SUNDAY customizing classes (limited to 45 people each day).
TFcon 2013 admission includes the following:
-Entrance to Canada’s Largest Dealer Room for Transformers merchandise
-All access pass to all TFcon panels and events
-Free autographs from all TFcon 2013 guests
-Entrance into the hourly door prizes
TFcon 2013 Exclusive Roswell Profile
ALLEGIANCE: Heroic Gobits
FUNCTION: Warrior / Communications
“I am not trying to prove I am better then you, I am trying to prove I am just as good!”
Profile: Originally a beautiful humanoid, when the Terrorist Gobits nearly destroyed their planet, she was forced to take on the form of a robotic space craft to aid in the war against BIKEMURDER. As the battles raged on, she became a seasoned warrior and trusted solider, so much so that in the absence of CAPTAIN-1 and TURBOLAG, she is left to command the whole Good Gobit army. In a recent mission; ROSWELL and a skeleton crew of bots, tried to find a solution to their home world and universe being wiped out by an unknown cosmic factor; it resulted in ROSWELL having to change her robotic form to match that of the local esthetic in a strange new dimension where everything was “More Than Meets the Eye”. Thanks to the Modifier, a machine from her home universe, she has finally achieved a design, color and body that she is somewhat pleased with, but even ROSWELL feels it could be better.
Abilities: Like all other Gobits, she has the standards of robot mode flight and high powered laser based pulse blasts from her fists. Unique to her design is that in UFO mode she is capable of light speed travel. Armed with her Path Cannon she can fire a short range blast that emits small sized black holes. ROSWELL is always looking to upgrade her weaponry to keep up with the ongoing conflict.
Weaknesses: She always drives to be better and thus some of her teammates feel she pushes herself to the point of exhaustion. She also can be a little vain sometimes, as she used to be a very curvaceous and beautiful humanoid and is not pleased with her more current blocky robot body.
TFcon 2013 registration goes online May 1st at 9am.
TFcon 2013 Exclusive Van Guardian Profile
ALLEGIANCE: Heroic Gobits
FUNCTION: Chief of Security
“You honestly think you can get past me?”
Profile: Graduating top of his class from the Heroic Gobit Academy, VAN GUARDIAN was immediately assigned to important security duty on his home world. When the war broke out and BIKEMURDER raided GOBITRON, VAN GUARDIAN and his team were captured only to be rescued by CAPTAIN-1 and his crew. Impressed with how long he was able to hold up against almost impossible odds, CAPTAIN-1 recruited VAN GUARDIAN for his Earth team as the Gobit war continued to rage on the other side of the galaxy. Opting for the new generation modifier design his new body is now ready for whatever battle may come his way. Many younger Gobits and academy students look up to him. Smart, tactical and courageous, VAN GUARDIAN is one talented bot.
Abilities: Robot mode flight and high powered laser blasts from his fists which are standard with almost all Gobits. With his new body, he now has an optional high impact battle mask and SHOCK GUN for when he needs to protect his fellow Gobits. He also possesses a unique ability to detect close by enemy scanner devices keeping him always a step ahead of the enemy.
Weaknesses: If VAN GUARDIAN has one fault it is that he is very arrogant. He sometimes thinks the battle is won way before the final shot is fired and that tends to get him in some serious situations. Being revered by so many Gobitronians has gone to his head.
Keep an eye on this spot for the 2nd TFcon 2013 exclusive profile reveal before TFcon 2013 registration goes online May 1st at 9am.
Transformers voice actor Dick Gautier the voice of Rodimus Prime to attend TFcon 2013
We are honored to welcome Transformers voice actor Dick Gautier to TFcon 2013 for his first ever Canadian convention appearance.
The voice of Rodimus Prime and Hot Rod in the Generation 1 cartoon; in addition to the characters Apeface, Firebolt and one of the Sweeps; he is also known to GIJOE fans as the voice of Serpentor. Mr. Gautier will be taking part in Q&A panels and autograph sessions with the attendees of the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention.