TFcon is happy to welcome back Silas Zee to the TFcon 2013 guest list. Known in the fandom for his My Little Transformer videos and his artwork under the screen name of shibamura_prime, Silas has lent his unique style to the box art of the TFcon 2013 exclusives ROSWELL and VAN GUARDIAN. He will be selling prints and offering commissions to attendees all weekend long.
Call for TFcon 2013 Charity Auction Donations
The TFcon 2013 charity auction for Make-A-Wish Canada will take place 1 pm Saturday. If you have anything you can donate it would be greatly appreciated. Please email us if you can contribute.
Transformers Comic Book Artist Andrew Griffith to attend TFcon 2013
TFcon is pleased to announce the addition of Andrew Griffith to the 2013 guest list. Andrew is the artist on IDW’s ongoing Transformers: Robots in Disguise comic book. He will be signing, selling prints and offering commissions to attendees all weekend long.
FansProjectCore returns to TFcon for 2013
FansProjectCore returns to TFcon 2013 with limited quantities of exclusives for sale and some big reveals. Check out their booth and the 3rd Party Product Preview on the Saturday for all the goodies.
LilFormers Matt Moylan to attend TFcon 2013
TFcon is pleased to welcome back Matt Moylan to the convention this year. He is best known to Transformers fans as the man behind LilFormers. You can meet him in the TFcon 2013 artist alley all weekend long.
Artist Marvin Mariano to attend TFcon 2013
TFcon is happy to welcome back Transformers toy designer and artist Marvin Mariano to the 2013 convention. Marvin’s involvement with the Transformers franchise includes packaging design and concept illustrations for Transformers Armada, Transtech, the Transformers Movie and Transformers/Star Wars Crossovers. Examples of Transformer characters he has worked on are: Obsidian (Beast Machines), Transtech/Armada – Optimus, Megatron, Cheetor, Black Arachnia, Shockwave, and Starscream to name a few. Marvin will be setup in the TFcon artist alley all weekend.
Last chance for TFcon 2013 Advance Registration
Today is your last opportunity to preregister for TFcon 2013 and preorder the TFcon 2013 exclusives ROSWELL and VAN GUARDIAN limited to 500 pieces each and register for the customizing class. Online registration closes today Monday, July 15th at 11:55pm.
Transformers Comic Book Artist John-Paul Bove to attend TFcon 2013
TFcon is pleased to welcome UK-based artist John-Paul Bove to the convention this year. Bove is best known to Transformers fans for his work colouring the Regeneration One book for IDW. He will be available throughout the weekend, digitally colouring your black and white sketches and signing your comics.
TFcon 2013 Custom Class Exclusive Decepticharge
TFcon is happy to reveal the 2013 custom class figure “Transformers Prime Decepticharge”. Instructed by customizing veterans DAK, Nemesis Predaking, Plowking and Chans formers, this class will take you through the real customizing process from start to finish, taking a toy and transforming it into a new character. Using a new head sculpt, paint, stickers and several hours of focus, all skill levels can learn how to create their own custom toy in this class where everything you need will be provided. There are still spots open for the Sunday class which you can register for here:
Gobots voice actor Marilyn Lightstone to attend TFcon 2013
We are very pleased to welcome voice actor Marilyn Lightstone the voice of Crasher and Path Finder in Challenge of the GoBots to TFcon 2013. Ms. Lightstone will be taking part in a Q&A panel and autograph session with the attendees of the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention on the Saturday only.