The military firefighter that changed his name to Optimus Prime on his 30th birthday will be in attendance at TFcon Toronto this year. If you have ever wondered about his story or had a question for him now is your chance, as he will be speaking at the convention Saturday morning.
TFcon Toronto 2014 Customizing Class figure revealed: Crankedcase
TFcon is happy to reveal the 2014 custom class figure Classics “Crankedcase”. Instructed by customizing veterans DAK, Nemesis Predaking, Plowking and Chans formers, this class will take you through the real customizing process from start to finish, taking a toy and transforming it into a new character. Using paint, stickers and several hours of focus, all skill levels can learn how to create their own custom toy in this class where everything you need will be provided. There are still spots open for the Friday and Sunday classes which you can register for on the Admission/Registration/Ticket Information page.
Transformers Voice Actor Gregg Berger to attend TFcon Toronto 2014
We are happy to welcome the voice of Generation 1 Grimlock Gregg Berger to TFcon Toronto. He also voiced Skyfire (Jetfire), Long Haul and Outback in the same series. He returned to the character of Grimlock for the Fall of Cybertron video game.
Gregg will be taking part in Q&A panels and autograph sessions with the attendees of the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention all weekend long.
Transformers Comic Book Artist Alex Milne to attend TFcon Toronto 2014
TFcon is very pleased to welcome back Alex Milne to the TFcon Toronto guest list this year.
Alex is the artist for IDW’s popular Transformers: More than Meets the Eye comic book. He will be attending both days and offering prints and commissions to attendees all weekend long.
Peaugh and Vangelus TFcon Toronto Fan Made Media Panel
TFcon Toronto is pleased to announce the return of the Transformers Fan-Made Media Panel this year to our programming. Hosted by Ben Dolle (Peaugh) and Chris Ho (Vangelus) they will discuss media-making within the Transformers fandom, provide tips to help you with your own reviews and do a live Transformers video review on stage.
TFcon Toronto 2014 exclusive Masterpiece Shafter revealed
ALLEGIANCE: Seibertrons
FUNCTION: Construction Engineer / Hero of Timelines
“The things I have seen….. it’s big…….. bigger then the Matrix”
Profile: It’s been a long and hard road for SHAFTER. Travelling from one time stream to another, visiting one “Animated” world, another “Primed” for action, while keeping one at “Bay” so that the powers that be don’t spill over into each other. SHAFTER has been changing and engineering a new body for himself to match his surroundings. He has seen some crazy stuff, and somehow his spark still keeps it all together. Back in the early days on his home planet, SHAFTER was originally considered for the HERCULES sub-group due to his amazing body re-engineering skills and some even rumor he might have helped with the early concepts of combiner technology. Cool, calm and collected, Shafter a real ladies’ bot, but if you cross him, you might end up on the receiving end of his CRAGUN; a chromed out pistol that while might be small, packs enough punch to take out even the most aggressive Destron. He currently is carrying a rivalry with AXIS, the only Destron to sport the C-14 body type.
Strength: 7 Intelligence: 9 Speed: 5 Endurance: 9 Rank: 4 Courage: 9 Firepower: 7 Skill: 10
Maketoys to attend TFcon Toronto 2014
Maketoys will be joining us this year at TFcon Toronto 2014. Look for their booth in the dealer room as well as information as part of the 3rd Party Product Preview on the Saturday for all the details.
Matt Moylan of LilFormers to attend TFcon Toronto 2014
TFcon is pleased to welcome back Matt Moylan to the convention this year. He is best known to Transformers fans as the man behind LilFormers and a former editor and post production manager for Dreamwave Productions. You can meet him in the TFcon Toronto 2014 artist alley all weekend long.
Artist Marvin Mariano to attend TFcon Toronto 2014
TFcon Toronto is happy to welcome back Transformers toy designer and artist Marvin Mariano to the 2014 convention. Marvin’s involvement with the Transformers franchise includes Transformers: Rescue Bots (2013-2014), Star Wars Crossovers (2007 – 2010), as well as concept work for Armada (2001-2002) and Beast Machines & Beast Wars (1999) including the design of Obsidian. Marvin will be setup in the TFcon artist alley all weekend.
FansProjectCore to attend TFcon Toronto 2014
FansProjectCore is set to make their return to TFcon Toronto 2014. Look for their booth in the dealer room as well as information as part of the 3rd Party Product Preview on the Saturday for all the details.