We are happy to welcome back IDW Publishing colorist Josh Perez to TFcon Toronto 2018. Transformers fans will recognize his work from the pages of series like Transformers Robots in Disguise, More Than Meets The Eye as well as Transformers vs ROM. He will be in attendance all weekend and offering prints and commissions to the attendees.
Transformers Artist Nick Roche to attend TFcon Toronto 2018
TFcon is pleased to welcome back Transformers comic book creator Nick Roche to the Toronto guest list this year. Nick is well known to fans for his work writing and creating the art for Last Stand of the Wreckers, Sins of the Wreckers, and most recently Requiem of the Wreckers. He will be selling prints and offering commissions to attendees all weekend long.
Transformers Writer David Wise to attend TFcon Toronto 2018
We are very happy to welcome Transformers writer David Wise to the Toronto guest list this year for his first ever TFcon. As an American television animation writer, Wise was the single most prolific writer for the Transformers Generation 1 cartoon, penning fifteen episodes including but not limited to “The Secret of Omega Supreme”, “Microbots”, “Kremzeek!”, “The Key to Vector Sigma”, “War Dawn” and “The Rebirth”. Beyond the Transformers Universe, Wise was the head writer for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) TV series where he wrote or co-wrote over 70 episodes and story-edited many more.
“We are very pleased to welcome David Wise to TFcon Toronto,” says General Manager Colin Douglas. “His work has been enjoyed by countless Transformers fans across the world for decades, making his appearance at the show a great opportunity for fans to interact with an original Transformers creator.”
David will be taking part in Q&A panels and autograph sessions with the attendees of the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention all weekend long.
David Wise is presented by Toyhax
Transformers Artist Sara Pitre-Durocher to attend TFcon Toronto 2018
We are very pleased to welcome back artist Sara Pitre-Durocher to the TFcon Toronto guest list this year.
Sara is best known to fans of IDW’s Transformers series as the primary artist from the comic book series Till All Are One. She will be attending all weekend and offering prints and commissions to attendees.
Transformers voice actor David Mendenhall to attend TFcon Toronto 2018
We are very pleased to welcome David Mendenhall to TFcon Toronto 2018 for his first ever convention appearance. Transformers fans will recognize him as the voice of Daniel Witwicky in Transformers The Movie as well as Generation 1 season 3 and 4 where he later became the headmaster component for Arcee. David will be taking part in Q&A panels and autograph sessions with the attendees of the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention all weekend long.
“We are thrilled to welcome David to TFcon for his first-ever convention,” says General Manager Colin Douglas. “His appearance will be a rare first opportunity for fans to meet with an actor from Transformers Generation 1.
David Mendenhall is presented by Robot Kingdom.
Tickets Now On Sale for TFcon Toronto 2018
TFcon Toronto 2018 Tickets are now on sale: http://www.tfcon.ca/tickets
Transformers Artist Alex Milne to attend TFcon Toronto 2018
TFcon is very pleased to welcome back Alex Milne to the TFcon Toronto guest list this year.
Alex is best known for his work as the primary artist on IDW’s Transformers: More than Meets the Eye comic book and is currently working on the Unicron mini series. He will be attending all weekend and offering prints and commissions to attendees.
Transformers Voice Actor Garry Chalk to attend TFcon Toronto 2018
We are very pleased to welcome Garry Chalk to TFcon Toronto 2018. Transformers fans will recognize him as the voice of Optimus Primal in Beast Wars and Beast Machines, as well Optimus Prime in the Transformers Armada, Energon and Cybertron series.
Garry will be taking part in Q&A panels and autograph sessions with the attendees of the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention all weekend long.
“We are thrilled to welcome back Garry Chalk to TFcon,” says General Manager Colin Douglas. “Fans of the Transformers franchise will have the opportunity to see him in a rare reunion with David Kaye, his counterpart in the Beast Wars and Unicron Trilogy series.”
Garry Chalk is presented by Ages 3 and Up.
Transformers Voice Actor David Kaye to attend TFcon Toronto 2018
We are very pleased to welcome David Kaye to TFcon Toronto 2018. Transformers fans will recognize him as the voice of Megatron in Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Armada, Energon and Cybertron, as well as Optimus Prime in Transformers Animated.
David will be taking part in Q&A panels and autograph sessions with the attendees of the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention all weekend long.
David Kaye is presented by TFcon Toronto 2018 sponsor The Chosen Prime
TFcon announces The Chosen Prime as its Presenting Sponsor
Toronto, ON. TFcon Toronto is pleased to announce that its 2018 show program will be presented by The Chosen Prime. As the ‘Platinum, Title and Presenting Sponsor’ for TFcon Toronto, The Chosen Prime will receive a myriad of branding, benefits and rights including an oversized activation space on the main exhibitor floor inside the Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale Hotel and Convention Centre along with contest programming during multiple events, hospitality and enhanced VIP access to celebrities, other guests and programs plus the ability to renew its package for 2019.
“We are excited to support TFcon Toronto as its presenting sponsor,” says Founder, Owner and Operator, Brandon Weik. “For us, it is a great fit and extension of our own business and brand which enhances the overall fan experience!”
Recently, TFcon Canada announced that voice actor Hal Rayle will be presented by The Chosen Prime and will be making his first ever appearance at the show. Known as the voices for Shrapnel, Snarl, Pipes and Skuxxoid in Transformers Generation 1, fans of the 80s will also remember him as the voice of Deep Six in G.I. Joe and the voice of the Predator creature in Predator 2, Rayle is a highly desired guest amongst fans to this year’s show. Furthermore, The Chosen Prime is entitled to a second guest presentation, which will be announced by TFcon Toronto in the near future. Both Rayle and the upcoming guest (to be announced) will be taking part in Q&A panels and autograph sessions throughout the show all weekend long.
Providing collectors around the world with products they desire while defining a new standard in quality and service, The Chosen Prime is a leading collectable dealer specializing in transforming action figures from Takara, Hasbro and third party creators. For more information, please visit www.thechosenprime.com
“We are thrilled to once again partner with The Chosen Prime,” says General Manager Colin Douglas. “Their excitement and interest in supporting the show over the years and going forward will help us drive an exceptional program for fans in 2018.”
TFcon Toronto is presented by The Chosen Prime.
For more information and/or to arrange interview with guests and/or the promoter, please contact:
Jeremy Renaud
Marketing, Sponsorship & Public Relations Coordinator – TFcon
Phone: 519.566.1735 I Email: jeremynrenaud@gmail.com
About TFcon: As the world’s largest fan-run Transformers convention, TFcon is an all-ages event, featuring collectables, exclusives and popular guest celebrities and voice actors who contributed to generations of fandom, lore and mythos belonging to the Transformers universe. The colossal event will take place inside Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale Hotel and Convention Centre (6750 Mississauga Rd.), July 13-15, 2018. For more information, please visit: www.tfcon.ca