NAME: Garrison
ALLEGIANCE: Seibertrons
SUB-GROUP: Hybrid Double Headrobot/Pretender
FUNCTION: Solar System Commander
“Some people are born into power, some earn it”
Profile: GARRISON is the younger brother of STRONGHOLD and head of the special weapons division of Praxus. Years of testing and research (including experimenting on himself) led to his one of a kind Headrobot/Pretender hybrid design. With the Masterforce War on Earth heating up, GARRISON was charged by his superiors to deliver the Godbomber Project designs. He must now reach the fragile blue planet’s Seibertron forces before it’s too late.
Abilities: While his main Transtector is his Grando Battleship which doubles as his space transport to Earth; GARRISON uses a smaller truck based body named HEAT to handle more scientific and basic tasks. He also has a Pretender shell dubbed CORTEX which he uses for disguise and other high profile missions. Additionally he carries the legendary Heroic Robot weapon called the Master Sword, which was passed down to him from his brother. Sadly, GARRISON is hesitant to use it in battle due to it’s destructive potential.
Weaknesses: Unlike his brother, GARRISON is not comfortable being a super powered fortress base. While he can pack amazing fire power, he only uses it when the situation is truly dire resulting in not being the most effective warrior on the battlefield. He would rather be developing weapons then firing them.
This TFcon 2012 exclusive is limited to 100 pieces and limited to one per weekend ticket holder. You can purchase it when you register Friday night at a cost of $70.